维塔士在今天宣布重新作为Women in Animation (WIA)合作伙伴向WIA全球基金捐款。作为该基金自2019年以来的创始捐助方,此次捐款重申了维塔士对于提升动画、游戏和更数字娱乐行业中性别多元化和平等的决心。

“我们很高兴能继续支持WIA全球基金以及‘2025年50/50’的倡议。维塔士的管理团队目前有30%为女性领导者,她们为公司发展做出了巨大贡献。我们也希望在未来能提升女性员工的总体占比。”维塔士执行总裁Gilles Langourieux表示。

“WIA非常感谢维塔士的持续合作”,Women in Animation主席Margaret Dean说道,“游戏领域为女性以及其他未被充分代表性别身份的人提供了丰富的,能够施展创意才能的机会。而在性别更为平等的时候,动画领域将变得更好。”



About Women in Animation

Women in Animation (WIA) envisions a world in which women share fully in the creation, production and rewards of animation, resulting in richer and more diverse entertainment and media that move our culture forward. The mission of WIA is to bring together a global community of animation professionals to empower and support women in the art, science and business of animation by increasing access to resources, creating opportunities for education, encouraging strong connections between individuals, and inspiring excellence. For more information or to join WIA, please visit  http://www.womeninanimation.org or follow on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram.